Arrange the girl's hair to match the goal shown at the start of the game: cut it, make hair ink, comb it and dress the girl, having always in mind the goal established by the image that you see for some seconds at the start of the game. At the end you can see the final result, and the happy or sad face of the girl when she looks in the mirror, depending on your level of accuracy. | Remember that your goal is to match the appearance of the girl shown for some seconds in the initial shot. On each stage you interact with the mouse: you start at the cutting stage, applying the scissors where you want (with a click); to pass to the next level, click the pink arrow on the top. Then you interact with the mouse to paint the hair (a book at the bottom enables you to chose the color of the hair dye); click again the pink arrow to pass to the combing stage (you can do braid, permanent, etc.). Click the pink arrow again to go to the dressing phase, where you drag and drop dressings to the girl. Finally, click the big star to see the final result. |