Big Bear Boogie


free online games

NO FUNCIONA? Haz que Flash funcione en tu PC:
Help Big Bear to dance his Boogie choreography. Do it best and the penguins will give you a lot of points.
Press the arrow keys when the indicating arrow is over the square that is under the bear.

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Dance - Fired Up!

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Jungle Jiggy

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Dance Dunk-Off!!

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Dance Floor Destroyer

Dancing Queen
Dancing Queen

Dance Floor Destroyer
Dance Floor Destroyer

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High School Cheerleader

Dance Dunk-Off!!
Dance Dunk-Off!!

Dancing Queen
Dancing Queen

Jungle Jiggy
Jungle Jiggy

High School Cheerleader
High School Cheerleader

Dance - Fired Up!
Dance - Fired Up!

Dancing Queen
Dancing Queen

Dance Floor Destroyer
Dance Floor Destroyer

Jungle Jiggy
Jungle Jiggy

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