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Here you can compose countless punk tunes, by combining various musical elements. There's no more limit than your imagination! Play combining beats as you want, for guitar, bass and drums, and compose your own music!
Click a square to set a beat there; there's various available kinds of beats, each one represented by a number from 0 to 10, and you switch between them by clicking repeatedly (the complete order is: nothing, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and again nothing, etc.). Keep the CTRL key pressed (or the Z key) to reverse this order (e.g., 10, 9, 8, 7, etc.). Keep pressed the SHIFT (or the X) key to remove a beat. Keep pressed the CapsLock (or the C) key to hear a beat. Keep pressed the space bar for the music to start from this point. You can use the bottom scroll bar to explore all tracks. And with a click on the icons of the guitar, bass or drum, you can enable/disable the corresponding track. When you finish you can hear your musical composition by clicking 'PLAY'.

Indian Music
Indian Music

Sue Drumming Game
Sue Drumming Game

Sue Music
Sue Music

Global Groovin
Global Groovin

Do Le Mi Music
Do Le Mi Music

Indian Music
Indian Music

Sue Music
Sue Music


Weezer Jam Session
Weezer Jam Session

Global Groovin
Global Groovin

Chicken Choir
Chicken Choir


Global Groovin
Global Groovin

Do Le Mi Music
Do Le Mi Music

Sue Drumming Game
Sue Drumming Game

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