Brain Safari


free online games

Overcome several mental challenges that will test your visual, analytical, computational and memory skills. You start with a test for your analytical skills, for example: deduce what animal is the heaviest by comparing their relative weights in the balance. An example of computational test: complete a calculation, or place a missing arithmetic sign in a calculation after knowing its result. A memory test: remember the place where the animals are hidden. An example of visual test: signal a missing piece in a puzzle that is nearly complete. In short, it's an educational and funny game, with a great variety of tests.
Click on the items you want to select (the game will guide you).

The Curse of The Dragon Egg
The Curse of The Dragon Egg

Differences - Daily Witness
Differences - Daily Witness

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Tetris 2

25 Cities in the U.S.A.
25 Cities in the U.S.A.

Tahiti Hidden Pearls
Tahiti Hidden Pearls

Something Fishy
Something Fishy

Tasty Food Memory
Tasty Food Memory

The Sea of Glomp
The Sea of Glomp

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Sugar, Sugar - Christmas

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Pipe Pang

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Monster Trucks Attack!

Jack in the Box
Jack in the Box

Basketball - A New Challenge
Basketball - A New Challenge

Tetris 2
Tetris 2

Searching Candy
Searching Candy

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