European Capitals


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Play and learn the capitals of Europe. How many of them can you associate correctly with their corresponding countries?
At the top part of the map, a text will show you the name of an european capital. You must click at the map at the corresponding country (only you can click at the countries in white color, a small detail that can simplify your task). If you do well, a new capital name will appear at the top part of the map and you should then click at a new country. When you fail you can try again, and the game will give you a clue. In this way you continue until you finish.

The Countries of South and Central America
The Countries of South and Central America

Countries of Africa
Countries of Africa

The States of USA
The States of USA

The Countries of Asia
The Countries of Asia

The Countries of Europe
The Countries of Europe

The Countries of Asia
The Countries of Asia

The Countries of Africa
The Countries of Africa

Countries of Africa
Countries of Africa

25 Cities in the U.S.A.
25 Cities in the U.S.A.

Find Cities
Find Cities

The States of USA
The States of USA

25 Cities in the U.S.A.
25 Cities in the U.S.A.

The Countries of Africa
The Countries of Africa

The Countries of Europe
The Countries of Europe

The Countries of Asia
The Countries of Asia

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