Big Battle - Tanks


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In this worms version two war tanks are fighting, and you can play in one of 2 modes: campaign or deathmatch. In campaign mode, you play alone and survive as long as you can (it will be more difficult as you progress). In deathmatch mode can participate up to 5 players, that can be human or computer. Ideal to play with your friends!
The game has a complex interaction, it will take you a time to learn it but it is worth: with the mouse you control the main pannel that allows you to do multiple things, like selecting the weapon you'll use, checking the wind direction, adjusting the angle and power of the shot, refueling, repairing, etc. Alternatively you can use the following keys to do the same actions: arrow keys left/right to move the tank; arrow keys up/down to adjust the direction of the shot; PageUp/PageDown keys to adjust the power of the shot; space bar to shoot; Q and E keys to select the weapon to be used. There's also a shop where you can buy improvements and repairs for your tank.

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