A family manages a little village restaurant and you have to help them to prepare and serve the dishes in a timely manner! Find the right food for each customer and serve it as fast as you can to keep them happy. In the first level, your goal is to earn 600 to pass to the next one. | When a client arrives, click on it to know his order; then click on the plate and on the daughter to deliver it to the client. From time to time you'll need a turkey, then you proceed in this way: click on the kid and then click on the turkey to catch it; click on the kid and the click on the father to bring the turkey to him; click on the plucked turkey and click on the kid so he takes it when it's ready; click on the kid and click on the mother so he brings the turkey to her; click on the mother so she cooks the turkey, and then it's ready to be served by the daughter. |