

free online games

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A mind game where your goal is to align 2 pawns of the same color and at the same height before your rival does it! It's played on an octogonal board. Each player has 8 pawns of 2 colors. When it's his turn, a player puts a pawn on the board or moves a pawn that he has put already. The pawns can be stacked at the same place up to a 4 height pile. Also they can be moved to adjacent spaces (if they are stacked, the stack is moved). A DIAM (alignment) is created when 2 pawns of the same color are in diametrically opposite positions and at the same level. And the bottom floor is not considered when creating a DIAM. If 2 DIAMs are created at the same time, wins the one that is at major height.
To move a pawn, drag and drop it to the desired position.

Battleship - Torpedo Attack
Battleship - Torpedo Attack

Go Bang
Go Bang

Master of Double Take
Master of Double Take

Flash Ludo
Flash Ludo

Go Bang
Go Bang

Master of Double Take
Master of Double Take

Battleship - Torpedo Attack
Battleship - Torpedo Attack

Flash Ludo
Flash Ludo

Battleship - Torpedo Attack
Battleship - Torpedo Attack

Go Bang
Go Bang

Flash Ludo
Flash Ludo

Master of Double Take
Master of Double Take

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