Potion Bar


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It's a bar of magic potions created by a witch. Can you keep your customers happy?
When the customer orders, start by clicking the empty bottle to take it, then click the liquid you will use to fill it, click to put it on the fire until the cork jumps and click on the secret or special ingredient (mushroom or clover in the first level; and there's more as you progress); finally, click the flower that is added to the bottle as an ornament. When everything is ready, click on the client to deliver everything (or click on the trash can to throw it, if something went wrong). When the customer goes out he will leave an empty bottle and some coins, click them to get them. He can also require other products, like garlic, for example: in this case it's enough to click an item (in our example, the garlic) and then click him to deliver it.

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