Au Pair Abryl


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Take care for the babies, by identifying their needs and responding to them. Remember that every object that the baby uses has to go later to the trash can.
Click on the object you want to take, then click on the baby to go next to him and again click on the baby to deliver the object to him; in the case of the trash, click on it to go close and click again to throw stuff in it.

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Pet Grooming Studio

My Sweet Baby 2
My Sweet Baby 2

Cyber Chatons
Cyber Chatons

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Grow Nano 3


Baby Sitting
Baby Sitting

Octo Mom - The Great Baby Rescue
Octo Mom - The Great Baby Rescue

Cyber Chatons
Cyber Chatons

Pet Grooming Studio
Pet Grooming Studio

Tone It Up
Tone It Up

Park Zoo
Park Zoo

My Sweet Baby 2
My Sweet Baby 2

Dress My Baby
Dress My Baby

Tone It Up
Tone It Up

Baby Care Rush
Baby Care Rush

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