World Wars


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It's the classic game of world conquest, for 1 human player vs. 1 to 7 virtual players. At start you can select how your troops will look and how many players will play the game. You always play with the blue team, and the remaining ones are managed by the computer. You can attack any territory that is neighbor to one that you own, if it is your turn and you have enough power to attack this neighbor. Your goal is to conquest all countries before any of your rivals does it!
Click on a land of your side from where you will start the attack, then on a neighbouring land that you will attack; the computer rolls the dice for each player (as many dice as pieces are in each land) and will notify you if you conquered or lost all your armies. You can attack as many times as you want when it's your turn: simply click 'END TURN' to stop attacking and allow the following player to do it.

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Master of Double Take

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Battleship - Torpedo Attack

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Flash Ludo

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Go Bang

Battleship - Torpedo Attack
Battleship - Torpedo Attack

Master of Double Take
Master of Double Take

Go Bang
Go Bang

Flash Ludo
Flash Ludo

Master of Double Take
Master of Double Take

Battleship - Torpedo Attack
Battleship - Torpedo Attack

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