

free online games

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A mind game where your goal is to align 2 pawns of the same color and at the same height before your rival does it! It's played on an octogonal board. Each player has 8 pawns of 2 colors. When it's his turn, a player puts a pawn on the board or moves a pawn that he has put already. The pawns can be stacked at the same place up to a 4 height pile. Also they can be moved to adjacent spaces (if they are stacked, the stack is moved). A DIAM (alignment) is created when 2 pawns of the same color are in diametrically opposite positions and at the same level. And the bottom floor is not considered when creating a DIAM. If 2 DIAMs are created at the same time, wins the one that is at major height.
To move a pawn, drag and drop it to the desired position.

Battleship - Torpedo Attack
Battleship - Torpedo Attack

Master of Double Take
Master of Double Take

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Flash Ludo

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Go Bang

Master of Double Take
Master of Double Take

Battleship - Torpedo Attack
Battleship - Torpedo Attack

Flash Ludo
Flash Ludo

Go Bang
Go Bang

Go Bang
Go Bang

Flash Ludo
Flash Ludo

Master of Double Take
Master of Double Take

Battleship - Torpedo Attack
Battleship - Torpedo Attack

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